[Fwd: Mathematica Licensing at Charles University]
Jiri Bok
bok na karlov.mff.cuni.cz
Pátek Květen 6 08:02:32 CEST 2005
Dobry den,
uzivam Mathematicu uz dlouha leta, mam licenci na verzi 4.1 (nyni uz postarsi).
O dalsich uzivatelich (samozrejme, s vyjimkou prof. Hurta). bohuzel nevim -
ale mezi
matematiky jich urcite bude vic.
Ano, financemi se nase pracoviste (Fyzikalni ustav) muze podilet.
Dekuji Vam za Vase usili
a zdravim
Jiri Bok
>Vazeni kolegove,
>doputoval ke mne prilozeny dopis, tykajici se zajmu o site-license
>programu Mathematica na UK (MFF). Nemam prehled, jak siroka komunita ho
>pouziva, v jake verzi vlastnite licence, kolik studentu program take
>pouziva/mohlo by pouzivat, ani nevim, byl-li iniciator toho dopisu z MFF.
>Nektere kontakty mam z doby, kdy se kupoval vetsi balik 10 licenci od Elkanu.
>Vite-li o dalsich lidech/skupinach, kde se Mathematica pouziva, napiste
>mi prosim, abych mel predstavu o poctu licenci, o kterych by se dalo
>nezavazne jednat. Pokud jiz nekdo z vas na stejny dopis reagoval, dejte mi
>take vedet.
>Myslim si, ze rozhodne stoji za to jejich nabidku vyslechnout, napr. pokud
>by se jednalo o prevedeni stavajicich licenci (prip. urcite navyseni
>poctu) na plovouci. Mame s temito licencemi (IDL, ORIGIN, Xwin32 ..)
>vcelku dobre zkusenosti, malo kdo takove programy uziva 7 dni v tydnu a
>plovouci licence umoznuji podelit se s ostatnimi.
>Predpokladam, ze napr. na novych zamerech by bylo mozno najit i potrebne
>finance a prispet z nich na site-licenci muze byt vyhodnejsi nez
>prikupovani individualnich licenci.
>Dekuji za vasi odezvu. S pozdravem L.Prech
>Lubomir Prech lubomir.prech na mff.cuni.cz
>Department of Electronics and Vacuum Physics
>Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
>Charles University Prague tel. +420 221912304, 221912319
>V Holesovickach 2 fax. +420 284685095
>180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic
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>Message-Id: <200505032015.j43KFvOS001445 na mercury.wolfram.com>
>To: lubomir.prech na mff.cuni.cz
>From: Rachel Barefield <rachel_barefield na wolfram.com>
>Subject: Mathematica Licensing at Charles University
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>Dear Lubomir Prech,
>A member of the staff at Charles University recently expressed an
>interest in having Mathematica available for teaching and
>research. When I looked into the current use of Mathematica at
>Charles University I noticed that there are several Mathematica
>users but no site licence and I wondered if one had ever been
>considered. I thought I'd send a brief note to staff members to
>outline some of the new features of Mathematica Licensing
>programs, and would be very interested in your views on this.
>We've expanded our site licence schemes to include several
>commonly requested benefits such as free home-use licenses for
>both staff and students. We've also included a free
>webMathematica, a tool that allows you to put interactive
>calculations on your website, for example, for a distance
>learning program.
>Our commitment to continuing support of all major operating
>systems allows for the exchange of ideas between staff members in
>different departments using different hardware. It also gives
>students the opportunity to use one piece of software across many
>subject areas; less time needs to be spent learning different
>pieces of software, so there is more time available for
>appropriate subject matter. As Mathematica is the industry
>standard in a great many areas, the skills they learn at Charles
>University will stand them in good stead in the employment
>I wanted to tell you about these new options, and to find out if
>any discussions have taken place in the past regarding licensing
>Mathematica on campus. As I said before, I am very keen to get
>some feedback as this is the only way to tell whether we are
>moving in the right direction.
>I look forward to hearing from you.
>Kind Regards
>Rachel Barefield
>International Business Development Manager
>Sw-l mailing list
>Sw-l na ms.mff.cuni.cz
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