[C-prog-lang-l] Numworks calculator

Vladimír Kotal vlada at kotalovi.cz
Mon May 22 17:06:06 CEST 2023

Hi all,

today I mentioned that an alernative to bc(1) calculator that allows conversion of numbers from/to binary representation, for cases where you do not have proper computer/laptop around, might be a scientific pocket calculator. At least mine calculator I used back in the day (Sharp) has functions to facilitate these conversions.

I am not sure these days people carry pocket calculators around (in flannel shirts perhaps), so a good alternative might a phone app. There is a company called https://www.numworks.com/ that manufactures actual pocket calculators, possibly smarter than some top-of-the-line programmable calculators back in the day (HP ?), but also a phone app called Numworks that is actually simulator of the physical calculator. The scientific calculator app itself does not offer the numeric conversions in the basic mode, however there is Python shell available, where you can utter bin() or 0b101 etc. So, there is still a way how to perform these conversions easily during tram ride etc.

Perhaps there is even better way I don't know of (besides calculating the representation in your head, of course), let me know if you are aware of something cool.

Best regards,

V. Kotal
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