[C-prog-lang-l] 13.3. - lecture cancelled

Vladimír Kotal vlada at kotalovi.cz
Sun Mar 12 16:17:17 CET 2023

For self study, use https://github.com/devnull-cz/c-prog-lang/blob/notes/2023/05.md - the same materials that would be used during the lecture.

The plan is to go through the topics quickly in the next lecture.

I'd recommend to complete all the programming tasks, start with the warm up as usual, then read the topics - multidimensional arrays, arithmetic/integer promotion and conversion. Esp. the latter is a bit hard to comprehend, so maybe reading the section multiple times would be beneficial. Also, do not shy from doing your own research.

As for the remaining/home tasks, some of them can be pretty mundane (the integer conversion one), while others are more fun (the mountain genetator). You can take the former as a sort of reward after completing the former.

Best regards,

V. Kotal

On Sun, Mar 12, 2023, at 09:15, Vladimír Kotal wrote:
> Hi all,
> due to sickness I have to cancel the lecture tomorrow. Will send some instructions for self study later today.
> Best regards,
> V. Kotal
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