[C-prog-lang-l] Assignment Phase 1 - few questions

Jan Vávra Vavra.Jan93 at seznam.cz
Wed May 8 22:16:55 CEST 2019

Hello everyone,

I have been working on the assignment for the last two days and it finally 
seems to work. At least all the mentioned examples give me the same type of 
error. But I am not sure about following things:

1) What should be the error message for too long line while reading the 
document? What are the rules for return value in this case?

2) I have a few expressions I am not sure what their error message should 

   * "," --> "Invalid address" or should we implement printing of the whole 
   list (from head to tail)?
   * "-" and "--" --> "Invalid address"?
   * ".$" and ".$p" --> "Unknown command" or should a missing "," be 
   interpreted as "Invalid address"?
   * "1x" vs. "1x,1p" --> "Unknown command" vs. "Invalid address"?
   * "x" --> "Invalid address" or "Unknown command"?
   * "x," --> "Invalid address" or "Unknown command"?
   * "q," --> "Invalid address" or "Invalid command suffix"?
   * "p," --> "Invalid address" or "Invalid command suffix"?

3) Are there any other weird expressions I should be aware of?

4) After I deliver my "ed.c" file and the automated tests discover some 
problems, for example, different error messages than expected, will there be
possibility to make necessary changes and to hand it in again before the 
given deadline?

I would really appreciate any answers you could give me. I also hope these Q
&A will help others as well.

Thank you very much,

Jan Vávra
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